Customer Disservice It really just amazes me the absolute rubbish that businesses have put forward as customer services, especially during and after Covid in the UK. I set about looking for rewarding my loyal staff and usually go to the high end prestige emporiums to obtain a reasonable generous and...
So what is in store for the UK’s Estate Agents?
5 Worrying Trends For UK Estate Agents So what is in store for the UK's Estate Agents? Every business has its share of perks and disadvantages. Even with recent upsets with mortgage interest rates, the property market in the UK has never been stable and predictable for people. This industry...
It isn’t rocket science
It isn't rocket science I cannot believe what I am hearing.We recently had to look for a property for a poorly relative. Where he was situated there was no family support and in the village there were no buses, no shops and he didn't drive.So we were trying to move...
Can You Believe That?
Can You Believe That? I got a revealing telephone call ...Hello again,Yesterday I got a telephone call that showed every possible aspect of what not to do.The caller introduced herself at a very fast pace, so fast I couldn't catch her name or the company, but she then launched into...
Just a word on Workplace Stress Staff Turnover and a solution.
Just a word on Workplace Stress, Staff Turnover and a solution. The FactsThe costs to both individual and business performance are rising as a result according to Talking Talent in 2018. Work-related stress and mental illness accounts for over half of work absences and costs British businesses an estimated £26...
Why do I need your help? We do pretty well on our own.
Home B2B B2C Privacy Policy Contact Us Today Pricing Blog Why do I need your help? We do pretty well on our own. We hear this a lot, and all I can say is that if you were doing so well, why are you looking to increase your sales?Increasing your...
What’s the SMS really all about?
What's the SMS really all about? Motivation, vision, method, time management, asking for referrals are all the essential ingredients of sales success. When you’re not motivated, you’ll struggle to finish even the most basic tasks, like sending out a batch of prospecting emails or prepping for your upcoming calls. Things...
What we are trying to achieve
What we are trying to achieve We have been reported as; Compliant Sales Training Challenges The Status Quo With Our Sales Machine System.As a Founding Fellow of the Institute for Sales Professionals, I have seen very little innovative change in selling from when I first qualified in the industry in...
What Drives Sales In Your Organisation?
What Drives Sales In Your Organisation? Home B2B B2C Privacy Policy Contact Us Today Pricing Blog Your staff culture drives your sales.With undisputed data, it's a fact that top-performing organisations are five times more likely to have learning cultures, suggesting a culture of learning is a key component of business...
5 benefits of ongoing staff training in the workplace Home B2B B2C Privacy Policy Contact Us Today Pricing Blog Regular training in the workplace is not just about building up the skills within a business in an effort to improve a company’s performance (although this this could be an ideal...