SMS Sales Training Multiplies Sales

Don’t Know What You Are Doing Wrong?

From our research and experience, many businesses have several areas of activity that despite their frenetic attempts to make their business succeed.

There are millions of web pages devoted to Critical Success Factors (CSFs)and how to be successful, however these are often generic and don’t mention the Critical Failure Factors (CFFs).

There are a number of factors and the list can go on and on. Depending on the environment, they could be accurate or not.

You may open a restaurant, employ a Michelin starred chef, use Versace bespoke crockery, host a vast and prestigious menu with excellent quality elements and supporting options, but if your restaurant is in the middle of the Scottish Highlands and gets snowed in 3 months of the year, the failure factor is the weather.

If your restaurant is located looking over a wonderous lake or reservoir that hosts wildlife and exotic birds, but the access is down a dirt track and the car park is mud and gravel, guess what customer experience there will be, no matter how good everything else is.

The following relationship among CFFs is discussed as follows:

  • Lack of managerial skills and training. … Many business owners and managers have a one shot solution; take it or leave it.
  • Lack of business marketing strategy. … Without an Accelerating Relationship Model (ARM) your marketing will be, at best, two dimensional.
  • Lack of capital funds. … Your idea weighs nothing and, without considered and correct implementation is worth about the same.
  • Inability to distinguish business capital from personal money. … It is often too tempting to buy things with the extra money you “appear ” to have.
  • Information technology deficiency. … Technology is growing, developing and advancing; grasp the nettle and use it to make your business better and different from your peer group.
  • Lack of crucial marketing information, leaving you with product knowledge that will only apply to around 3% of the public.
  • Inability to maximise leverage of every visitor, customer, interested party or “ideal” target group.

We help you identify the areas that are pedestrian and boring, and that drag your business down to the level of your peers. Through our analysis you will see WHY you are failing. Book your FREE analysis (Worth £399) HERE.

Just providing information is not enough. You need to strengthen your sales arm by building an ARM. The Accelerating Relationship Model (ARM) is a simple process that provides a level of comfort and respect in the customers mind before making the viable core product or adding in the extras that really amplify the sale in both profit and engagement, devotion and desire.

Pardon the pun, but this helps to “ARM” your staff with the arsenal they need to win sales in today’s environment.

Part of the Sales Machine System incorporates the ARM technique and not only keeps everything on track for all of your staff to relate to the customer wherever they are on the buying cycle, but also to identify the next step and provide encouragement if asked.

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