Compliant Sales Training

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There's Gold

in Them Skills

Create a Sales Strategy to beat the competition, master modern sales skills, and level up your business with Sales Machine System training — whether you’re starting out or a seasoned pro.

Sales skills are a vital element to every business. Sales skills when deployed in a proactive Sales Machine System (SMS) can increase your business by up to 1,000%. Your clients or customers expect the best and deserve the ultimate in service from you; isn’t it about time you upskilled and gave them true value for money?

Why Choose Us

Mastering the sales skills

Learn by doing at any level — whether your sales experience has peaked with email or you’re a senior sales professional who’s been neck-deep in it since the ZX Spectrum.

Building out your Sales Machine System is critical to the modern, relationship based techniques of today.  Many were trained in the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) model, but that should have been given a state funeral about 30 years ago. It’s crass, patronising and ultimately embarrassing.

Grow As A Professional

grow your career

Definitely Awesome

Get rid of the myth that you are not cut out to be awesome.

Some of the most successful people had bad starts in life

Build skills your way

Follow the 4 buttons for building passion in your career,

Learn what clients want and how to give it.

What Does It Take?

Download and cross-train the learnable skills to be nurturing, doggedly persistent and time relevant to your clients

Add up to 500% increase to sales, by Adding a Simple Strategic Objective To Your Sales Team Introduction

By adding value to the client’s experience, they feel more at home with the advice that will be received. By building a relationship point with the client, they are more likely to consider your company in a favourable light. They will understand where your company is coming from and feel valued. Training your prospective clients is a key and fundamental area that will put your company light years ahead of your competitors and increase your sales manyfold.

0 %
of new users report improved sales in number and quality, greater consistency and upselling.
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of firms and individual sale professionals say our content helped in their business growth
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Companies Using the SMS System in the UK ... and more in negotiation including some of your peers!

Trusted by

Partners and Customers

Our revolutionary system sets you business up for success!

If you are B2B Sales, we can help you set your client’s buying criteria for them, Create a winning audience, target the decision makers directly, use their competitors to sell your service/product and the art of following up.

If you are B2C Sales, we can help you identify the dream prospects, make them think of your business when they are ready, use giveaways to your best advantage, use their peers to sell your service/product and the art of following up.

We show you how to win their trust, capture their respect and promote your company as an expert in the area, locally or nationally.

The system is clear and straightforward

We started to use the SMS and I was sceptical but the investment has repaid itself over 4 times in the first 12 months and continues to repay. 

CST took the time to implement regular workshops, training sessions and sales script changes that, once we had embedded them, showed overnight success.

Raymond Jool
Life & General Insurance Broker