Joining Our Community List Home B2B B2C Privacy Policy Contact Us Today Pricing Blog Hey, it’s Lee Werrell, founder and CEO of Compliant Sales Training. I just wanted to send a heartfelt thank you for considering to join our community list. We won't be selling you anything, just sharing knowledge,...
One Major Issue and Two Reasons Why Your Business Is Slow!
Home B2B B2C Privacy Policy Contact Us Today Pricing ONE MAJOR ISSUE AND TWO REASONS WHY YOUR BUSINESS IS SLOW In the UK, according to a study by the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) in 2021 has found across the UK, poor recruitment strategies are costing businesses productivity and impeding...
Common Myths in (Regulated & Unregulated) Sales
Home B2B B2C Privacy Policy Contact Us Today Pricing Common Myths in (Regulated & Unregulated) Sales A sales strategy is a set of decisions, actions, and goals that inform how your sales team positions the organisation and its products to close new customers. No it is not! A sales strategy is...
Why You Need ‘A’ Listers
'A' Lister staff are free. You need top people in your critical roles We all know that there are 'C' type people, 'B' type people and 'A' type, rock star, A lister type people who make up the workforce of today. Your 'C type people' are those who find just about every...