In any relationship and educational sales methodology, now needed for the astute purchaser, and especially the businesses of today, you need to layer the sale, seed loyalty and devotion and make the purchaser appreciate your input in solving their challenges or issues. SMS does all this from the Lite version, restructuring your sales foundations, getting people motivated and ‘buying-in’ thoruggh to getting the extra help you need for front, middle and back office (if you have them).
In the lite version we show you the 10 ways to hold effective meetings and implement your strategy, as well as getting the whole staff to rally round and sort out the problems with your clunky, ineffective and clogged up system. We show you how to strategise for now with complete future proofing and even work with you on how to hire superstars, the ‘A Listers’ that you need to boost your company past your competitors.
This is a one one site visit of up to 6 hours.
Once you have embedded the initial elements of Embed, Strategise, Hire & Maintain, then moved onto the 7 essential marketing power tools you need to maximise the effect, how to build better and more compelling visuals and attract more buyers, masterclass in script building, the final two elements really solidify it all, and ensure that the whole staff are performing above expectations.