SMS Sales Training Multiplies Sales

Just a word on Workplace Stress, Staff Turnover and a solution.

The Facts

The costs to both individual and business performance are rising as a result according to Talking Talent in 2018. Work-related stress and mental illness accounts for over half of work absences and costs British businesses an estimated £26 billion per annum. In addition, studies have revealed that 460,000 people transition from work to sickness and disability benefits a year, which costs employers £9 billion a year.

2017 research by Deloitte and Mind estimates the cost of poor mental health among employees’ costs UK employers between £42bn and £45bn each year; made up of absence costs of around £7bn, presenteeism costs ranging from about £27bn to £29bn and turnover costs of around £9bn.

In 2020, a survey by Perkbox of British adults in employment showed a staggering 79% commonly experience work-related stress. This is 20% higher than 2018’s findings. ‘Work-related office politics’ (37%) are the most common cause of work-related stress, followed by ‘lack of interdepartmental communications’ (34%), and ‘the work performance of others’ (33%).

  • ‘Monetary/financial stress’ is the second most common cause of stress (60%), with ‘family stress’ coming third place (48%).
  • Those aged 45-54 are most likely to be affected (40%) by the number one cause of stress, work-related office politics.
  • Most stressed? As the data shows, we’re a very stressed-out nation.
  • The findings reveal, on a weekly basis, 25-34 year olds are feeling the most work-related pressure.
  • 31% of this age group experience work-related stress on a weekly basis. A big cause for concern. As this age group are generally at the point in their working lives where they have chosen a career and are working towards their development, it’s important they don’t take on too much and come to the point of burnout.
  • This is followed by 27% of 18-24 year olds. Overall, the figures for experiencing work stress on a weekly basis is common across the board, as 23% of 35-44 year olds, 22% of 45-54 year olds and 18% of 55+, all experience this.

Anxiety, stress and depression are becoming exceedingly common problems for employers in today’s working environment. More than ever employees state that they feel they have to give everything to their job and their personal lives – which means that health can often come in second place.

Now, with the pandemic of Covid19 experience, more of this damaging and costly eventuality has reared it’s head with additions like ‘Cabin Fever’ and a surfacing of domestic stresses including, but not limited to, working in an environment whereby people expect to be able to relax, and fitting it around domestic responsibilities.

We are not suggesting or making a point of mental wellbeing either not considered or leading the discussion, as the solution is often the cure for a lot of the above ‘stress’ related issues and creates an environment in the role whereby the causes of stress are eliminated in most cases.

Relating to my military past, and not drawing an exact parallel, the forces know how important it is for all of the participants of any project to fully understand the objective and their part in the management of, or executing of the high level tactics to achieve this. There are briefings and simulated events (for larger projects) as well as an airing of understanding, concerns, requests for clarity and a clear identification how each project fits into the strategic success of the campaign. Following a successful campaign there is always a debriefing and lessons learned exercise. Businesses don’t do this.

So how come we have the finest Armed Forces in the world, respected and feared appropriately by most nations globally, yet our business is seemingly at a loss to curb costs related to running their own organisations effectively? What does visible and invisible stress related absenteeism and staff turnover cost your business?

The Solution (for a huge majority)

What we are talking about here is ‘Training’ for all staff.

Not an induction pack and annual refresher; but real, mandatory, weekly, meaningful, creative, fault finding, solution driven changes to make your company leaner, quicker, faster and multiply sales. In 1 year you will be a different company and all the better for it.

Not just training but inclusion and a shared vision, defining the trajectory of the company, the strategic objectives of the business, right down to the strategic objectives of each sales specialist. The support staff inputting, understanding and knowing what the sales and marketing side is all about and how it all works. The senior management being involved in the development of the business first hand and identifying the talent for succession planning. Reducing angst and frustration by providing regular feedback sessions combining with creative solution and implementation sessions. The ability to switch, fine tune and hone skills and ideas to wipe the floor with you competition.
